Pastors Daniel & Peace Uwaeme are called and anointed by God to build God’s people up and assist them discover and accomplish their godly destiny. Since July 2007, Pastors Daniel & Peace Uwaeme have served as senior pastors of Cornerstone Assembly. They have worked to put together a friendly environment for building godly relationships, and a place where the word of God is preached undiluted and lives are transformed. .

We believe that the bible is "God's Word' the truth revealed in it did not have their origin with men, but God. the Holy spirit inspired the human authors of the bible.
We therefore believe that the bible is without error, completely true, relevant and an up-to-date book.
Lorem We receive sixty-six books of the old and new testament as eternal, authoritative, coherent, complete and all sufficient, and the only infalible rule of faith.
Lore It's message is intended primarily for the human race. it is expressed in words and in terms, which human being can understand. It's central theme and purpose is the salvation of man.